How Summer Camp Can Influence On Your Child: Pros And Cons


Summer is coming. Many parents are going to send their child to summer camp. So is your child ready for it? Are you ready for such experiments? Let’s try to figure out.Is it worth sending your child to summer camp?Finally summer vacations are no longer a dream. They are so close already!Children tired with the lessons will have a rest. Someone will go to the country house, someone to the seashore, and someone will go to the summer camp.So here they are, children with the suitcases ...Continue reading

Virtual Reality: Why Do We Need It


Previously we discussed pros and cons of honesty and tendencies to lie and tell truth. Today I am going to cover pretty interesting and up to date theme of virtual reality. It became a phenomenon of modern development of society. Human activity of last decades has created and spread the concept of virtual reality. It happened due to rapid development of computer technologies.Specialists distinguish several types of virtual reality:Passive VR-autonomic graphic representation and its sounds, ...Continue reading

Books vs Movies: What Is More Suspenseful?


My last work covered the information about forming groups and principles of teamwork activity. Today I want to represent for your consideration pros and cons of reading books and watching movies. It’s not a secret that it is one of the most popular topics for debates nowadays. Active readers defend their points of view that reading books is the best way of spending free time. Film fans act on the issue that there is nothing more exciting than watching a good movie. Let’s reveal which ...Continue reading

Education is Window to the Bright Future


In the previous post we discussed the topic of women part in development of technologies that would not be possible without good education. The education and its importance will be the subject of our post today. In case you were assigned to write an essay about the role of education in our lives this material might be useful for you because in it we are going to look at the reasons why education matters and some online opportunities for free education. But if at the moment you don’t have ...Continue reading

Main Difference between Schooling and Education


According to research, it develops increasingly fast at an approximate annual rate of 7-15 percent per year. Although home schooling is still not popular in certain countries, it is already on the rise in Australia, France, Germany, Japan, Canada and Great Britain. There are many reasons for parents to choose this form of education for their children. Some of them are listed below.Some parents choose homeschooling due to their religious affiliation.There are parents who believe that school ...Continue reading